Does it hard to become a self-taught artist?

Does it hard to become a self-taught artist?

Yes, yes it is. It is an extreme hard job to do when you were raised by an Asian family... if you know what I mean. When you realize that you are in love with art but you have to do economy and business to survive in this crazy society. Day by day, you touch your pen and paper, thinking about your art and keep drawing what you have in your mind. You became a trainer and a trainee at the same time. And after a period of time, more than ten years, you are what you had been trained, you can proudly say you are an artist, you were living your dream for so long but now this is real.

This website is my very first step to keep in touch with my client. And yes, I will keep drawing as I have never drawn before. Thanks to you, my clients, you are the one that make my dream come true. Hope to see you more in the future.

P/s : I wish every young artist out there gonna be confident and happy to review their artwork.  

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